Pyrmont Shop Hours: Monday to Friday 11am-2pm; Saturday 8.2.25 & 22.2.25 11am-2pm. Closed other Saturdays & Sundays
VITRUVIAN H.A.C.K.S. - Series 2 - LORD VEHEMOUS (Dragon Cult War Priest)
VITRUVIAN H.A.C.K.S. - Series 2 - LORD VEHEMOUS (Dragon Cult War Priest)
VITRUVIAN H.A.C.K.S. - Series 2 - LORD VEHEMOUS (Dragon Cult War Priest)

VITRUVIAN H.A.C.K.S. - Series 2 - LORD VEHEMOUS (Dragon Cult War Priest)

Includes one blister-carded, 4" action figure with accessories and figure stand. All figures and parts use the amazing H.A.C.K.S. system to mix, match and make your own! 

*These figures are adult collectibles for Ages 15 and up. Contains functional sharp points and small parts.

Historical Documentation:
Self-proclaimed leader of a sect which worships dragons as avatars of the gods Vehemous found a tome that grants him the ability to control these mighty beasts. Using this power, he has amassed a substantial number of followers, each of whom have been granted supernatural powers by the liberal imbibing of dragon blood. The blood has addictive properties and causes physical deformities but dragon cult members do not care. The telepathic powers, immunity to disease and tolerance to pain they gain are worth it.

Temporal Log:
Vehemous has lately begun to preach that a magical item exists in the blasted lands that will allow his followers to take the next step and become dragons themselves. It appears legends of Stheno's staff have reached his ears. Will he do the unthinkable and resurrect the long absent Gorgon horde if he finds it?