Hours: Monday to Friday 11am-2pm; Saturday 15.3.25 & 29.3.25 11am-2pm. Closed other Saturdays & Sundays
Playmobil -  71470 Horses of Waterfall Horseback Riding
Playmobil -  71470 Horses of Waterfall Horseback Riding

Playmobil - 71470 Horses of Waterfall Horseback Riding

Playmobil: Horse Riding Trip with Amelia & Ben

Horses-of-Waterfall friends Amelia and Ben are taking a horseback trip to thebeach on their guest horses! In their luggage they have all kinds of goodies fora cosy picnic. The brown English Thoroughbred mare and the grey Andalusiangelding are also happy about a tasty carrot, while the birds are chirping in thebackground.

The Waterfall Ranch at the foot of the White Mountains is a true horseparadise. Both humans and animals feel at home here. Along with their guesthorses, Amelia and Ben embark on a horseback riding trip to the beach. Ofcourse, they have also thought about a delicious refreshment for themselves andtheir animal companions. This is part of Playmobils first eco-friendly productline consisting of, on average, more than 80% sustainable materials. Discardedplastic waste is given a new life and serves as a source of material for thisextraordinary play world. This conserves resources and, above all, theenvironment.


  • Figures: 1 Amelia, 1 Ben; Animals: 2 horses, 1 bird;
  • Accessories: 2 helmets, 2 bags, 1 tree, 1 blanket, 2 bottles,2 donuts, 2 carrots, 2 bananas.

Suitable for Ages 4+