**FRIDAY 21.3.25 10am-1pm** Hours: Monday to Friday 11am-2pm; Saturday 15.3.25 & 29.3.25 11am-2pm. Closed other Saturdays & Sundays
VITRUVIAN H.A.C.K.S. - Series 2 - VANDAR (Wandering Warrior)
VITRUVIAN H.A.C.K.S. - Series 2 - VANDAR (Wandering Warrior)
VITRUVIAN H.A.C.K.S. - Series 2 - VANDAR (Wandering Warrior)

VITRUVIAN H.A.C.K.S. - Series 2 - VANDAR (Wandering Warrior)

Includes one blister-carded, 4" action figure with accessories and figure stand. All figures and parts use the amazing H.A.C.K.S. system to mix, match and make your own! 

*These figures are adult collectibles for Ages 12 and up. Contains functional sharp points and small parts.

Historical Documentation:
If hiring a band of Orcs for a job appears suicidal, there is also the option of paying a band of human adventurers for their services. Exiled from their lands in the frozen wastes, this tribe, the Stormvaktere, is well known for taking in refugees and outcasts from all lands and offering their protection to any who are willing to contribute to the wellness of the tribe as a whole. The Stormvaktere were forced from their homeland of Oyastorm when Lord Vehemous raised Grandusdrage from his slumber. Vehemous was neither able to control the beast nor force it back into its eons long sleep.  The mighty dragon laid waste to the country and remains there still, ever watchful for those who would encroach on his territory. The Barbarians, called such by those who do not care for their ways, have integrated a variety of cultures from different peoples in their beliefs, making them excellent at seeing another’s side in a disagreement and negotiating an outcome to the benefit of all involved. They are also superior brawlers with a flair for grappling techniques. Due to their past history with the Dragon cult and their war priest, Stormvaktere immediately attempt to kill any member of that order they encounter.

Temporal Log:
The tribe will accept gold as payment, but it is never spent on frivolities or on entertainment. Instead, all monies earned are pooled and used for the good of the community and its continued survival. They are protective of their people, and anyone who hires them can be sure that they will be well looked after. Once a barbarian gives you his word, he is bonded to you until the task is complete, he’s dead, or you are.